Saranac Lake Winter Carnival
This Winter Carnival has been a key part of Saranac Lake’s long, cold Adirondack winters with snow-covered mountains and ice-encrusted lakes providing the opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreational activities such as skiing, sledding, and skating.
The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival
The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival has been a key part of Saranac Lake’s history. The long, cold Adirondack winters with snow-covered mountains and ice-encrusted lakes provided the opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreational activities such as skiing, sledding, and skating. In order to break winter’s chill and to promote “outdoor sports and games”, the Pontiac Club was formed in 1896, and a year later, they sponsored the first “Mid-Winter Carnival”. This first Winter Carnival was a two-day affair that featured skating races, a parade and an “ice tower” – features that have been, in one form or another, part of every Carnival since.
Get ready for some cold weather fun as you gear up for the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival! 2022 promises to be an action-packed year for this wintry celebration with a theme of “Totally 80’s”.
The Winter Carnival takes place at various locations throughout Saranac Lake, NY. The iconic Saranac Lake Ice Palace, shown above, can be found on the shores of Lake Flower at Pontiac Bay. It is the centerpiece of the carnival and is open to everyone through the entire event!
For more information on the 2022 schedule, go to their website!
Fireworks Displays
Saturday, February 5th at 7 p.m. -Opening Ceremony
One of the highlights of the carnival is the lighting of the Ice Palace on the first Saturday, which is followed by an extraordinary fireworks display. Bring your cameras, and bundle up to stay warm. You won’t want to miss it!
Sunday, February 13th at 8 p.m. -Guide Boat Realty “storming the palace” Closing Fireworks
Check out the Ice Palace one more time for a closing ceremony of the festival!
Don’t miss out on this incredible festival unlike anything else!
Take Amtrak to Saranac Lake Winter Carnival
This line is currently unavailable.
Take Amtrak to this unforgettable event to Westport Station in the Adirondacks Mountains—Don’t forget to use Amtrak’s Adirondack Weekend Getaway Fare for $45 one-way fares from New York City and Montréal, and all stops in between aboard the Adirondack.
If Plattsburgh Station is a more convenient stop, use the shuttle service to the Olympic village. Or, make your own time and get picked up from Plattsburgh Station and taken to your reserved NYTRAIN Enterprise Rent-a-Car. Click here to reserve your car or call the Plattsburgh office today at 518-566-0190.