New York City Wine and Food Festival
The NYC Wine and Food Festival features culinary giants, celebrity chefs, mixologists, vintners and foodies who unite to eat, drink and end world hunger.
The annual NYC Wine and Food Festival on October 14 to 17 is the largest food festival in NYC. The event has raised over $11.5 million to help benefit the charities “No Kid Hungry” and “Food Bank for New York City.” This four-night festival features the very best food in NYC along with intimate dinners and insightful demonstrations by the chefs that prepared it. Creme-de-la-creme chefs include Food Network star Bobby Flay, Andrew Zimmern, three-time James Beard award-winner for his Korean steakhouses, Michelin-starred Daniel Boulud of Café Boulud, and internet sensation Nusret “Salt Bae” Gökçe.
It will also contain special events, parties, and celebrity mixers at iconic locations like the rooftop of Pier 92. Italian-style apperitivos, 90s cocktail parties, and rooftop BBQs offer nonstop night-time fun. Aspiring chefs and bartenders can even learn the arts of sushi-rolling, cake-decorating, and cocktail-blending from masters of the industry.
New this year to the festival is God’s Love Delivers, which focuses on nutrition and medical meals. Experience cooking demonstrations, tastings, dinners, $100 and under meals, brunches, cocktails, family fun and plenty more.
Book your train ride down now to the Big Apple for this festival to be immersed with amazing food and drink!
Take Amtrak to New York City Wine and Food Festival
Enjoy tons of food and craft beverages at the NYC Wine and Food Festival via Amtrak to Penn Station—Don’t forget to use the New York By Rail 15% discount!